Why Buy a Private Number Plate?
Our experience tells us that people buy private number plates for many different reasons; certainly, personalisation would be a key reason, as would buying it as a gift, but what if we told you that a personalised registration can also make an excellent investment?
We aren’t here to provide you with financial advice or to ensure that your pension is topped up with profits made from having a cherished number plate, but what we can tell you is that private registrations will always have some value to them, a general rule of thumb (excluding specialist formats) is the older they are, the more value they have.
Of course, there are also personalised number plates that have the ‘comedy’ effect; one of the TV motorcycle racing commentators has a registration number with the word PEN at the start and then a number (for sake of decency, we won’t spell it out, but it’s between 14 & 16).
And of course, hiding the age of your car is another big reason to invest in a cherished number. Some may call it vanity (we really don’t agree with that phrase – ‘vanity plates’), but if you’ve fallen in love with your car and really don’t want to change it, a personalised plate is a great way of disguising the age or even just making the vehicle a little more personal.
Finally, we have marque related registrations – if you own the very latest Ferrari, why not have a FEZ plate? Of course, that works for many different marques, we have a range of cherished numbers that will suit most marques, although Hyosung may be a little difficult.
Whatever your want, desire or need, talk to the professionals here at Absolute Reg – they are always happy to share their expert knowledge and talk you through the process of purchasing your very own cherished number plate.